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Puerto Vallarta Condo - Tower

Surface: Brick| Product Used: Premium Impregnating Sealer, Color Enhancing Sealer| Completed: September 2015

Applicator: Darrin Bast | Email: info@darrinbast.com | Phone: + 52 322 168 4086


A test patch before the full application. The patch was made where the dry area is.


Puerto Vallarta is a Mexican beach resort city situated on the Bay of Banderas brimming with hotels, resorts, and luxury condos.

The property has a 7-storey brick tower in one of its corners. With the condo located close to the coastline, the approximately 5400 sq ft (540sqm) tower will be subject to its harsh weather conditions. The owner turned to STAIN-PROOF’s unique sealing technology for protection and to keep the tower looking good for much longer. STAIN-PROOF Premium Impregnating Sealer, formerly known as STAIN-PROOF Original, was applied from top to bottom.



  • Superior water repellency and protection against the weather conditions on the coast
  • Superior breathability, to ensure easy escape of the moisture inside the material
  • To keep the surface looking good for longer and make cleaning easier, quicker, and less costly
  • Sealer is permanent – no need for resealing



Before applying Premium Impregnating Sealer to the whole tower, a test area was made to evaluate its effectiveness.

When the results were satisfactory, Premium Impregnating Sealer was used on the entirety of the brick wall. The sealer creates a deep, breathable, permanent water and oil-based stain-repelling barrier, allowing trapped moisture to evaporate. With Premium Impregnating Sealer’s permanence, the surface does not need to be resealed. Premium Impregnating Sealer’s superior stain repellence keeps the surface looking good for longer, minimizing the maintenance cost.

Premium Impregnating Sealer comes with a 15-YEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY when the product is applied by an Accredited Applicator.


Tagged : Premium Impregnating Sealer, South America, Residential, Brick

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