Happy Holidays!
From everyone at the Dry-Treat family we would like to thank you for your support over the past year. Have a safe and happy holiday!

Case Study: Supermarket Cheese Room

A contemporary, deli-styled supermarket was recently built in one of Sydney's most exclusive suburbs. An important component of the store was the walk-in cheese room, with walls tiled in sandstone cladstone. For its excellent stain repellence, STAIN-PROOF Originalâ„¢ was chosen to protect the area. To read the full case study click here
Our case study page is one of the most visited on our website. Every case study we publish is permanently located there. If you would like to promote your company with a job that you have recently completed using a product from the Dry-Treat range, email marketing@drytreat.com with your name and phone number. Please put 'case study' in the subject line. Include a description of the project with some great quality images.
Video: Help! I've been Framed!

A serious issue that is common to natural stone and other porous materials is picture framing. No, we're not talking about that person you pay to enclose a precious memory or an overpriced piece of art.
To find out how picture framing occurs and what can be done to prevent it, watch this video!
China's Concrete Consumption is Staggering

Photo: AP
China's raw material consumption is mind boggling. On top of being the largest consumer of coal and iron ore, China consumes 60% of the world's concrete. The figure comes at no surprise with the sharp rise in megacities such as Chongqing and industrial projects like the Three Gorges Dam. What is shocking is the comparison Microsoft genius Bill Gates made in an article earlier this year. China has consumed more concrete in the past 3 years than the United States has used throughout the entire 20th century. That's 6.6 gigatons!
This series of photos taken of Shanghai's business district is an example of the country's massive growth in recent years.