Happy Holidays and a Great New Year!

The team at Dry-Treat and Fiberlock would like to thank you for your support and business in 2015 and wish you a very joyous and great 2016!
Case Study: Puerto Vallarta Brick Tower

This beautiful condominium in Mexico has had a major Dry-Treat treatment. The 7-storey tower has been treated with STAIN-PROOF™ Original to protect it from harsh coast condition and minimize maintenance costs.
View full case study on our website. Download the PDF
Puerto Vallarta Condo Lobby case study
Our case study page is one of the most visited on our website. Every case study we publish is permanently located there. If you would like to promote your company with a job that you have recently completed using a product from the Dry-Treat range, email marketing@drytreat.com with your name and phone number. Please put 'case study' in the subject line. Include a description of the project with some great quality images.
World of Concrete News

World of Concrete is approaching fast!
World of Concrete is happening in just a little over a month away! Come visit us at booth N1968.
We currently have passes to grant a $30 admission to World of Concrete if you book online. If you are planning to attend and would like one of these passes, please send a message to marketing@drytreat.com.