Case Study: Oaks Hotel Sydney

Sydney's Oaks Hotel is known for great food in a vibrant atmosphere. The courtyard is a popular area to enjoy a meal and relax with friends. However, because it is comprised of brick pavers, staining, efflorescence and other damage is a constant issue. STAIN-PROOF Originalâ„¢ was selected for the project because it protects against water and oil based stains, and damaged caused by water ingress including efflorescence, picture framing and spalling. Click here to read the full case study
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Marmomacc has began!

The Marmomacc tradeshow in Verona is underway. If you are at the show don't forget to drop in and say hello! Our stand is B7 in Hall 7.

Video: Problems with Porous Surfaces - Acid Etching

Has a customer ever asked you to explain to them what acid etching is? Can you name the surfaces that are classified as 'acid-sensitive'? Unsure about what how you can remove an etch mark?
Then watch this video! Our resident expert Gabe will explain why acid etching happens and the best way to remove that unsighlty mark. Click here to watch the video!
The NIST Stone Wall

At 40 feet long and 13 feet high the National Institute of Stone Test Wall is an impressive sight. What makes this monument unique is its purpose. The Wall was constructed to examine the effects weathering has on stone. There are over 2000 stones from across the United States and 16 countries around the world. The range is diverse; on the same stretch of wall you could find sandstone from Kentucky next to a piece of granite from Finland. Located in Maryland, USA the Stone Wall was built in 1942 and to this day is still an important resource for developing stone care techniques.
To explore the wall for yourself click here