Become an Authorized Dealer
Our success has in part come from our innovative, world-leading sealing technology, backed with substantial written performance warranties. But we attribute most of our success to our relationship with our retail partners. STAIN-PROOF® Authorized Retail Outlets are truly our partners. We do as much as possible to protect our partners and ensure their success. Dealerships are strictly limited and thoroughly supported.
The earnings potential is huge. Your store will sell more sealer - our staff training and incentive systems have been constantly reviewed for the past 10 years. Your results will be a substantial increase in revenue and net profit. Simple as that.
World-leading, innovative sealing products.
Our technology really is different from competitor products and offers strong and unique benefits others don't, for e.g. efflorescence and freeze-thaw protection. Keep your current range of sealers - we don't care - you will sell theirs, plus much more of ours, because our products have so many more potential applications.
Performance warranties
Our premium products are the only ones backed by written performance warranties of up to 20 years. We've been offering plenty of these warranties since 1991 and we're proud to continue to do so as we grow!
STAIN-PROOF offers much more than just a product. Most importantly we offer free staff training, and our training covers more than just the technical - we actually help stores to substantially increase their sales of sealers. Most stores sell sealer with only 2% of the porous surface products they sell. We know this can be 20%, which can provide you more revenue and profit.
In addition, we will provide free Applicator training and Accreditation for 2 of your stores selected tradespeople. Accredited Applicators are the only people able to apply for STAIN-PROOF warranties, and 2 Accredited Applicators per store is the number proven to provide the best results for Authorized Dealers.
Authorized Dealers are protected
We don't put 2 Retail Outlets in the same small area, so STAIN-PROOF Retail Outlets don't have to cut margins to compete with neighbouring competitors. In addition, Retail Outlets sell to both consumers and trade - you don't have to compete with the Wholesalers.
Retail Outlet staff incentive programs
We have programs to help stores get from the 'tentative' stage to its most profitable (sealer) stage. One way we help with this is through Retail Outlet staff incentive programs. Ask us for more info.
Demo kits
Stores are provided with proven collateral and terrific demo kits and sales aids (for many consumers seeing is believing).
These and many more benefits are designed to help you, your staff and applicators sell our products. STAIN-PROOF is a successful system, not just a range of products.
To find out more about the STAIN-PROOF Authorised Dealer program, please contact
Please put 'koala' in the subject line, and make sure your name, location, telephone number and few words about your business are in the email.