Cathedral Place
Surface Type: Granite and Limestone| Product Used: Premium Impregnating Sealer and 40SK Consolidator & Water Repellent
Completed: 2022

The Cathedral Place is the first entirely new office development in downtown Vancouver to significantly address the architectural heritage of its site. Built by the Shon Group of Companies in 1991, it is a 392 Ft high, 23 story building in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Protect against staining, but also structural damage caused by water ingress, freeze-thaw spalling, and salt efflorescence without affecting the look or breathability of the material.
After the NUVOCLEAN Restoration team cleaned the facade, the first 3 stories, which are made of granite, were protected by STAIN-PROOF® Premium Impregnating Sealer.
The cladding of the building to the top, a facade of beautiful Indiana Limestone, was sealed with STAIN-PROOF® 40SK Consolidator & Water Repellent.
Tagged : 40SK Consolidator & Water Repellent,Premium Impregnating Sealer, North America, Commercial, Granite,Limestone