Ivy Cottage
Suface: Victorian Geometric Encaustic Tile | Product Used: Premium Impregnating Sealer| Completed: January 2012
Applicator: Steve Sinnott | Email: info@heritagetiling.com

Steve Sinnot from Heritage Tiling and Restoration Co. was tasked to restore damaged small geometric floor due to a porch that was added 10 years later after the house was built (1880).
- Provides long lasting protection and warranty
- Protection against damage caused by water and oil
- Sealer has to allow the surface to breathe
- Minimal maintenance
- Does not change the look of the tiles
To fullfill the requirements, Steve chose STAIN-PROOF Premium Impregnating Sealer, formerly known as STAIN-PROOF Original™, the world's leading impregnating, invisible, breathable sealer. This is what Steve said in a magazine intervview:
I have found STAIN-PROOF products to be the best I have used over the last 40 years bar none; STAIN-PROOF is the best sealer in my opinion for sealing Victorian tiles as it allows the tile to breathe, the sealer doesn’t need to be stripped and re-applied like dwell-on sealers and oil and water borne spills are prevented from staining the tile surface.
- Steve Sinnott, NCMagazine 111, UK
Victorian Geometric tiles are very absorbent, so a light preseal with Premium Impregnating Sealer prior to the 2 main coats is necessary. Because of the heritage values of the tiles, it is important to use a sealer that does not change the outward appearance, and Premium Impregnating Sealer does just that.
For more information on Victorian geometric tiles, contact Steve at info@heritagetiling.com
Tagged : Premium Impregnating Sealer, Europe, Residential, Victorian Tile