Vaucluse Residence, Sydney, Australia
Surface: Sandstone | Product Used: Premium Impregnating Sealer | Completed: July 2004
Applicator: BTS Sealing | Email: | Phone: 0418 766 327

When builders Pimas Gale were putting the finishing touches to a harbour front home in Sydney’s Vaucluse, they wanted to make sure the sandstone used around the front of the home and swimming pool was properly protected from air-borne salts from the sea.
Simon Bailey of BTS Sealing was contracted to seal the sandstone in July 2004. “The owners of the property just wanted a sealer that was going to keep the stone clean and with a minimum of maintenance,” says Simon.
“They also didn’t want to change the stone’s appearance in any way, which was especially important around the pool as some sealers can have a glossy finish which will then become slippery.”
STAIN-PROOF Premium Impregnating Sealer, formerly known as STAIN-PROOF Original™, was chosen for its repellence against water and air-borne salts coming off the harbour and swimming pool. Surrounding trees and other vegetation also meant that stains from leaves would also have to be cleaned off easily.
At the time of sealing in 2004, Simon applied two coats of Premium Impregnating Sealer for superior stain repellence and protection against water damage. Now, we recommend using STAIN-PROOF 40SK Consolidator & Water Repellent, formerly known as DRY-TREAT 40SK™, for softer, more porous stones such as sandstone, especially when situated in salt-water environment.
Tagged : Premium Impregnating Sealer, Australasia, Residential, Sandstone